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Author's Chapter Notes:

Part 3... Finally up!! :)

After two days off and on, I hope you enjoy it. It is the last part of that chapter.

please let me know what you think. It is the same song at the previous chapter.

"What do you mean look like me?" All the guys wanna get with this, she stood up and shook her poorly done boob job at all the table. I ouldn't help but laugh at the situation, I mean if she wants to compare boob sizes I have her beat in spades and my assets weren't paid for by a Hugh Heffner wannabee. "In fact I was with your man last night."

She brought up my husband and I fucking snapped, I lost it. Any sense of self control was out the fucking window, and if she wasn't carefull I might just put her through one. In fact the big window right infront of me would be just perfect.  I thought to myself, I really hoped I wasn't speaking out loud this time..

"I highly doubt that" I scoffed at the idea I shook my head and I didn't need to take this. Who in the hell does this bitch think she is. She should just drop it if she knows what is best for her.

"You know what we are runing Alexanders party. If you want to fight with me lets take this outside this really isn't the time or place. I think we have embarassed ourselves for one night."

'Ohh no I can feel it coming I thought to myself, not now no hold it together Sophia, just a little bit longer. I coashed myself already knowing it was too late. I was trying my damndest to swallow the lump in my throat and water, I really needed water' 

This was the breaking point she had the audacity to come right in my face, and wave her curly red fake nails in my face. "Your husband was with me all night, and he talked about how pathetic you are, and that you don't play games in the bedroom like a real woman does."

I looked at the table they looked like they were on the edge of their seats, so I never hit anyone in my life. Today could possibly be the day, and it would feel amazing. "You know what DeeDee back off, drop it".

"Make Me Bitch, yall want to be starting something with me, your husband wants to leave you he told me over, and over again as he was making me scream his name."

"Thats it" I went over to her and grabbed her by the Hair and pulled part of her weave out. I have a problem with people like you who are so disrespectful. If you have a problem with me then say it or get out of my fucking face. I said inches away from her face. I felt the ohh so familar wentness on my cheeks. Damn it why is it whenever I get really mad I cry.

"Ohh look shes crying she take the heat from DeeDee." DeeDee I know you have shit for brains, and like to refer to yourself in third person. But take a hint and drop it, before I give you another poorly done nose job."

"Your just upset your husband is leaving you for me."

at that moment I lunged for her and I was thankfull that A.J and the blonde pulled me back. They let me go once they saw the threat of me killing her has subsided for the moment.

"DeeDee, you know what I don't you any kind of explanation. For your information my husband already left me." Tears were streaming down my face, I raised my voice.

DeeDee looked at the table, and said "Yah for me."

I started clapping my hands together. I stood up on the chair "Everyone give DeeDee here a round of applause. Isn't she fucking lovely". I raised my voice at the next part. I was screaming and had tears streaming down my face. I was suprised I could even speak words. Then her dumb fucking friend started clapping her hands. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle dumb right there.

I have kept everything bottled up for months and I was ready to explode, I tried to keep my cool, I tried not to make a scene.  Trying was over fucking rated, who cares if these were the first people I really associated with in the last six months. At work they call me a mute, if they could only see me now. Mute this Bitch.

I could taste the salt water on my lips, and feel the wetness on my cheeks. It felt good to scream and it felt good to let it out. I was so angry and hurt I wasn’t thinking straight.

I softened my voice “You know why you weren’t with my husband last night.” I got close enough to her as I could I heard the blonde man whisper “Not here Sophia, you don’t want to do this here.”

“Unless you died and went to heaven, which I know you are not going to end up there. Or you learned how to time travel, or you dug up my husband’s grave you weren’t with him, and you certainly did not fuck him last night.”

"Because he is dead and he is never coming back to me, and if he did come back he sure as hell would not associate with the likes of you. You stupid dumb fucking blonde.  You are the ugliest person on the inside I have ever met with the worse boob job, and nose job. You are what is wrong in today’s world, I hope you look in the mirror and like who you have become. I don’t understand why someone like you is still alive and my un-born child and husband are gone.

I was still being held on to tightly “I noticed the look of Sympathy on Rochelle's face.” I heard the gasps in the back ground. It was like an unexpected twist to a fucked up movie, I felt like I was in movie right now; in fact it has felt like I have been playing in a movie for months…I really wanted this scene to be over, in-fact it was never going to be over. Like a cd player stuck on repeat one.

I was still being held on tightly by the Blonde stranger and A.J wasn’t holding me back anymore he had me pulled to his side and he was hugging me. I pushed the hair off my forehead and I just couldn’t hold my ground any longer. “He is gone and I don’t know how to go on without him”. I moaned into the strangers arms as I collapsed. "I miss Lucas' So much." I squeezed the blondes shirt in between my fingers.

“You need to go” A.J said to Deedee. “Thank you for being a fan of our music, but get the fuck out of my sight.” 

Another man I think his name was Kevin was talking to the reporters and basically paying them off, and shooing them out. Most of the reporters handed over the tapes no problem, I guess there really are some good people left in this world.

Rochelle ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me “I’m so sorry Sophia” I still had my head on the blonde strangers shoulder.

Yes a night I was never going to forget indeed.

Chapter End Notes:

Hope you enjoy :)