This is the sequel to "First Impressions." It's been a year and a half since Kat and AJ have seen each other. Can life bring them back together or is there just too much water under their bridge?
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction >
Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ,
Genres: Drama,
Romance Warnings: Death
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 59
Completed: Yes
Word count: 48614
Read: 165566
Published: 06/13/13
Updated: 09/25/13
1. The Birthday by Kyrie [ - ] (953 words)
Thank you to everyone who reviewed "First Impressions". I promise to answer all your questions and hope you guys keep reading, and enjoying, this one!
2. The Exit by Kyrie [ - ] (757 words)
3. Help by Kyrie [ - ] (724 words)
4. The Call by Kyrie [ - ] (871 words)
5. Too Late? by Kyrie [ - ] (998 words)
Thank you to BeastieBarb, Sapphire, Jordanslady and Kristylee for all the reviews. Glad you are liking the sequel and keep the comments coming!
6. Look Who's Back by Kyrie [ - ] (619 words)
7. The Truth by Kyrie [ - ] (974 words)
Thank you everyone for the reviews. I'm glad you're enjoying the story and I hope I continue to write a good one!
8. Starting Over by Kyrie [ - ] (1038 words)
9. Double Take by Kyrie [ - ] (704 words)
10. Surprise! by Kyrie [ - ] (934 words)
11. Daddy by Kyrie [ - ] (746 words)
12. Whatever It Takes by Kyrie [ - ] (555 words)
13. Bedtime by Kyrie [ - ] (782 words)
14. Playtime by Kyrie [ - ] (795 words)
15. Family Time by Kyrie [ - ] (758 words)
16. Another Birthday by Kyrie [ - ] (797 words)
17. The Hard Truth by Kyrie [ - ] (795 words)
18. A Mother's Advice by Kyrie [ - ] (1147 words)
Thank you Sapphire, backstreet_lady, JordansLady, Hazel and BeastieBarb for all the reviews. I'm glad you guys are liking the story and I'm always looking for feedback. Thank you!
19. I'm Not Here by Kyrie [ - ] (382 words)
20. A Plan by Kyrie [ - ] (1142 words)
21. Nowhere to Hide by Kyrie [ - ] (771 words)
22. Brian's Advice by Kyrie [ - ] (1043 words)
23. Baby Steps by Kyrie [ - ] (771 words)
Thank you to everyone for reviewing! I love the comments and I appreciate the time it takes for you guys to read the story and leave me feeback. Thank you!
24. The Appointment by Kyrie [ - ] (1112 words)
25. Popping the Question by Kyrie [ - ] (847 words)
A huge thank you to Sapphire, JordansLady, backstreet_lady, Hazel_85, Rosalie and BeastieBarb for all the reviews. Let me know how you like the next one!
26. The Compromise by Kyrie [ - ] (804 words)
27. Good Morning by Kyrie [ - ] (750 words)
28. The Talk by Kyrie [ - ] (873 words)
29. Finally? by Kyrie [ - ] (1262 words)
30. Decision Time by Kyrie [ - ] (404 words)
Sorry this one is so short!
31. A Mother's Sins by Kyrie [ - ] (772 words)
32. Blended Family by Kyrie [ - ] (1244 words)
33. A New Normal by Kyrie [ - ] (648 words)
Thank you to everyone who has been reviewing and I apologize for the huge wait time for this next chapter. Hope it's ok!
34. Packing by Kyrie [ - ] (592 words)
35. Overprotective by Kyrie [ - ] (658 words)
36. Brotherly Advice by Kyrie [ - ] (644 words)
37. Honesty by Kyrie [ - ] (434 words)
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing! I know it takes time for everyone to read the chapters and I appreciate the time you take to do it. Keep the reviews coming!
38. Too Many Toys? by Kyrie [ - ] (634 words)
I'm sorry for the long delay in updating and answering the reviews. Thank you for the patience!
39. Fear by Kyrie [ - ] (508 words)
40. She Likes It, She Likes It Not? by Kyrie [ - ] (771 words)
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing. A special thank you to BeastieBarb for sending me some suggestions - I'm stealing one!
41. Family Trip by Kyrie [ - ] (1024 words)
Thank you to everyone for reading and reviewing and I hope you like the next few chapters!
42. The Set Up by Kyrie [ - ] (695 words)
43. Three, Two, One! by Kyrie [ - ] (650 words)
44. The Big Reveal by Kyrie [ - ] (1101 words)
45. Christmas Gifts by Kyrie [ - ] (717 words)
46. Who Is That? by Kyrie [ - ] (615 words)
47. Surprise Visitors by Kyrie [ - ] (890 words)
Thank you to everyone for reading and reviewing, it means a lot that you like my story!
48. Christmas Eve by Kyrie [ - ] (893 words)
49. Santa's Surprise by Kyrie [ - ] (776 words)
Back for an update! I apologize for taking so long and I hope you enjoy it. A big thank you to Sapphire for doing the banners for my stories; they look great!
50. Second Chances by Kyrie [ - ] (797 words)
51. Alone TIme by Kyrie [ - ] (804 words)
52. New Year's Eve by Kyrie [ - ] (1093 words)
53. The Painful Truth by Kyrie [ - ] (1219 words)
54. The Options by Kyrie [ - ] (672 words)
55. The Hardest Decision Ever by Kyrie [ - ] (771 words)
56. Grief by Kyrie [ - ] (1002 words)
57. Don't Lie by Kyrie [ - ] (1079 words)
58. Sleeping Beauty by Kyrie [ - ] (904 words)
59. The Rest Of Our Lives by Kyrie [ - ] (899 words)
Thank you to everyone who has reading and reviewing! I hope you're happy with the ending to the story and if not, let me know! Thank you to Sapphire for helping me get through the last chapter!