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Summary: They have a saying that everything that was meant to be will be. This works in fairy tales but can real life be the same?

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 60
Completed: Yes
Word count: 59860
Read: 148792
Published: 09/25/13
Updated: 02/15/14
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: For the purpose of this story, Howie has not met Leigh. I didn't have the heart to break them up but I needed him single! Please forgive me!

1. Let's Get Ready by Kyrie [ - ] (843 words)

2. Nice To Meet You by Kyrie [ - ] (914 words)

3. Honey, I'm Home! by Kyrie [ - ] (911 words)

4. Cosmic What? by Kyrie [ - ] (999 words)
Thank you guys for the reviews! I hope you're all liking it so far.

5. Crush by Kyrie [ - ] (781 words)

6. Another Show by Kyrie [ - ] (874 words)

7. A Late Dinner by Kyrie [ - ] (926 words)

8. An Invitation by Kyrie [ - ] (933 words)

9. A Long Walk by Kyrie [ - ] (1088 words)

10. More Plans by Kyrie [ - ] (993 words)

11. Again? by Kyrie [ - ] (791 words)

12. The Farm by Kyrie [ - ] (1018 words)

13. Movie Night by Kyrie [ - ] (1547 words)

14. Tell The Truth by Kyrie [ - ] (1140 words)

15. Some Friendly Advice by Kyrie [ - ] (1166 words)

16. Wow! by Kyrie [ - ] (1560 words)

17. What?!? by Kyrie [ - ] (901 words)
A big thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing: Sapphire, Jordanslady, Rosalie, Hazel_85, Rainbowbrite006, Ajsgirl4life, Tweetersweet, Nijntje and BeastieBarb. Your reviews, thoughts and comments are much appreciated and I hope you guys are still liking the story!

18. Help Is On The Way! by Kyrie [ - ] (794 words)

19. Hello Nick! by Kyrie [ - ] (777 words)

20. Keep Me Company by Kyrie [ - ] (1182 words)

21. The House by Kyrie [ - ] (1326 words)

22. Great Ideas by Kyrie [ - ] (1209 words)

23. No Way Nick! by Kyrie [ - ] (660 words)

24. Not Again! by Kyrie [ - ] (1223 words)

25. What The Hell? by Kyrie [ - ] (608 words)

26. Maybe? by Kyrie [ - ] (1288 words)
Thanks to Sapphire for all her help in getting this chapter done!

27. Shopping by Kyrie [ - ] (824 words)

28. First Night Together by Kyrie [ - ] (969 words)
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing. I'm glad you all the story and I hope to keep that going. I appreciate all your comments!

29. I'm Leaving by Kyrie [ - ] (783 words)

30. First Night Alone by Kyrie [ - ] (665 words)

31. Who Are You? by Kyrie [ - ] (723 words)

32. That's It! by Kyrie [ - ] (753 words)

33. A Good Night's Sleep by Kyrie [ - ] (949 words)

34. Uh-Oh! by Kyrie [ - ] (868 words)

35. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! by Kyrie [ - ] (590 words)

36. Maybe? by Kyrie [ - ] (1177 words)

37. The Morning After by Kyrie [ - ] (1026 words)

38. Trying It Out by Kyrie [ - ] (609 words)

39. Faith by Kyrie [ - ] (995 words)

40. Concerns by Kyrie [ - ] (1206 words)

41. Second Place by Kyrie [ - ] (1110 words)

42. Round 1 by Kyrie [ - ] (940 words)

43. Surprising News by Kyrie [ - ] (1039 words)

44. Thanksgiving Dinner by Kyrie [ - ] (1340 words)
A massive thank you to Sapphire who helped me get this chapter together and written!

45. Aftermath by Kyrie [ - ] (976 words)
Thank you to everyone for reading and reviewing! I know the holidays are a busy time of the year and I appreciate all the time it takes to read the story and leave feedback. I hope you're all still interested!

46. Damn TMZ! by Kyrie [ - ] (1122 words)
A big thank you to Sapphire for her help with this chapter!

47. Couple Time by Kyrie [ - ] (980 words)

48. What Next? by Kyrie [ - ] (1234 words)

49. Surprise! by Kyrie [ - ] (899 words)

50. The Accident by Kyrie [ - ] (1252 words)

51. Christmas Shopping by Kyrie [ - ] (941 words)

52. Hiding Something by Kyrie [ - ] (999 words)

53. An Interesting Invitation by Kyrie [ - ] (821 words)
Sorry for taking so long to update!

54. Christmas Eve by Kyrie [ - ] (1042 words)

55. Christmas Presents by Kyrie [ - ] (1517 words)
A huge thank you to Sapphire who gave me the idea for Nick's present!

56. The Perfect Gift by Kyrie [ - ] (1283 words)

57. New Year's Eve Surprise by Kyrie [ - ] (1018 words)

58. Brotherly Advice by Kyrie [ - ] (937 words)

59. Truth Time by Kyrie [ - ] (1032 words)

60. Consequences by Kyrie [ - ] (789 words)