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Chapter 6

Nick opened his right eye when he heard the door opened up and then softly closed.
He watched the shadow figure of Autumn head into the bathroom and a few minutes later he felt her climb into the bed next to her.
He then felt her wrap her arms around him as she cuddled up next to him.
“ So you had a great night?” Nick said as she felt her exhaled.
“ Um…yeah I’m sorry that I woke you up.” Autumn said as she yawned and closed her eyes.
“ That’s good I’m glad to hear that you had a great time.” Nick said trying not to get up and pull her out of the bed and kick her out of the room.
“ Um… Night baby see you in the morning.” Was all she said before falling asleep.
The only thing he could do now was close his eyes and go back to sleep, he will deal with her tomorrow morning.
I walked down the lightly dimmed hallway towards my hotel room, I was remembering all the stuff that I had seen at the night club, and I could not believe my eyes. And I even got photos in which I and sent to Nick so he could get a view of what his girlfriend was doing when he wasn’t around her, and the funny thing is she didn’t even know that I was here.
I saw her go into the room, my only hope is that Nick wouldn’t kill her, or he won’t do something stupid like put a hole in the wall, as he wants to hit something.
I finally reached my room and I unlocked the door and walked into the room. I closed the door and doubled locked it before going into the bathroom and got ready for bed, once I had my tank top and shorts before climbing into the bed and falling asleep.
The following morning Nick woke up to the sound of a beeping of the alarm.
“ Nick baby turn over and answer the phone.” Autumn said as she pulled the pillow over her face.
“ Fine it’s time to get up.” Nick said as he picked up the phone and told the person thank you.
“ Can’t I stay here for another ten minutes.” Autumn whined.
“ No, I want you up… and tell me what happen last night.” Nick said sitting up and looking straight at Autumn.
“ But Nick I’m…. um… nothing happen last night… I saw some fans and hung out with a couple of them and we had fun that’s all.” Autumn said as she covered herself up, and then looked away from Nick.
“ Oh really well that’s not what I heard.” Nick said as he glared down at her.
“ Um… what do you mean by that?” she asked knowing that she was busted.
“ Let’s just say I know what happen last night, and I can’t believe you … you know one of my friends told me that you were cheating but I really didn’t want to believe them.” Nick said as he got out of the bed and put his shorts on.
“ Nick baby whatever they told you isn’t true whatever it was.” Autumn whined as she sat up.
“ Well I do trust the person and let’s just say I have proof of what you did last night, just do me a favor, get your fucking ass out that bed get dress and get the hell out of here, you better be gone when I get out of the shower, and if you’re not gone then I will have security remove you.” Nick said as he picked up her bra and t-shirt and threw it at her.
“ But …Nick I … didn’t do… any thing… please Nick don’t make me leave.” Autumn said as she began to cry.
“ Get the hell out of here, oh yeah if you are not out of my house and if anything is missing, and you trashed my house then you will be hearing from my lawyer, and I will also have you arrested too.” Nick said as he headed into the bathroom and slamming the door.
“ This better be good.” I said as I rolled over and grabbed my phone.
“ Sorry to wake you… but do me a huge favor… when you get home can you go to my house and see if there is anything missing or trashed, because I just kicked Autumn out of the house, and I broke up with her.” Nick said as he tested the water.
“ Oh wow, that is big news so early in the morning… um … sure I will do that for you. I take it that you did get my photos then, and she doesn’t have a clue as to who told on her.” I said looking at the clock and saw that it was time to get up and get ready for breakfast.
“ She does know that it was a friend of mine but doesn’t know who, well I need to get into the shower so I see you at breakfast.” Was all he said before hanging up.
I never got to say anything else because he hung up on me. I got up and went over to my suit case and pulled a t-shirt and jeans, before heading for the bathroom.
Nick came out of the bathroom and saw Autumn sitting on the bed with her suit case, next her and he could tell that she was crying.
“ Dry your tears, because you can’t lie you way out of this, and I thought I told you to be out of here before I got out the bathroom.” Nick said as he looked down at her.
“ I don’t know what you are talking about what the proof of what you have from last night, and don’t worry I’m waiting for the taxi.” She said as she wiped the tear from her eye.
“ You want to know… here is the proof that I have, and even this too.” Nick said as he showed her the picture of her and one of the guys that she was hanging all over, and then the audio of her telling her one of her friends about this one guy that she just had sex with.
“ Oh my… Nick it’s not what you….” She stopped when she saw him ball his hand into a fist.
“ Save it Bitch!” was all he said before turning away from her.
“ Ok fine, everything about me cheating on you is true ok…and when we are together, it seems your mine is somewhere else and it’s not on me.” She said as her phone started to ring.
“ I could say the same thing about you too, let me guess your cab is here.” he said as watched her.
“ Yeah, well hope you have a great life, and I will tell all my friends what an ass hole that you truly are, and don’t worry I’ll be gone when you get home… oh and by the way, I have been dating another guy for almost a year now.” Was all she said as she got up and headed out of the room.
“ Same to you too.” Was all he said as he finished getting ready to head down stairs for breakfast.
I was putting on my shoes when I heard a door slam shut from somewhere down the hallway.
I grabbed my stuff and Jen called me to let me know that she wants everyone to have their stuff ready so they can put it onto the bus while we are at breakfast.
I did a double take and made sure that I had everything before leaving the room. Leaving the room I made my way two doors down and knocked on the door.
“ Hey Jenny, here let me take that from you and put it right here with my stuff.” Ron said as he opened the door.
“ Hey Ron, thanks hey Nick… um are you ok?” I said as I saw the look on his face.
“ Yeah and thanks.” Was all he said before handing Ron his bag and started heading down the hallway to where Q was.
“ Oh man something has got him pissed off, so in other words this is going to a very fun day.” Ron said as he put Nick’s and mine bags down on top of his that was on a cart.
“ I think I know what it’s about too, let’s just say it has something to do with Autumn and let’s just leave it at that.” I said as Ron pushed the cart down to elevator just as Brian and Leigh came out of their rooms.
“ Hey guys oh great, I’m glad to see that we didn’t miss the cart.” Brian said as he put his bag on the cart.
“ Morning guys, Howie is already down stairs and I think Marcus took his bag because it wasn’t in the room, because I did a double check thing too.” Leigh said as she put her bag on the cart, and then saw that Howie’s bag was on the cart.
“ Yeah Marcus handed it to me, well I’m going to put this stuff on the buses and be at the restaurant after I finished loading up the buses.
It was two hours later, Nick and I was on his bus, and I held him in my arms while he cried himself asleep.
Getting up I covered him up with the blanket before quietly heading out of the back room and closing door. I made my way up to the front of the bus sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV and started watching a movie while we headed for the next town.