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Summary: It’s been two years since Nick and Emma last saw each other. When they come face to face at Howie and Addie’s wedding, will their feelings reignite or will they just go down in flames?

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Domestic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 40
Completed: Yes
Word count: 44817
Read: 100777
Published: 02/16/14
Updated: 05/29/14

1. A Walk Down The Aisle by Kyrie [ - ] (914 words)
A big thank you to Sapphire for the banner!

2. The Rehearsal Dinner by Kyrie [ - ] (1257 words)

3. The Visitor by Kyrie [ - ] (1324 words)
I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!

4. A Bright Idea by Kyrie [ - ] (1439 words)

5. Pictures and Speeches by Kyrie [ - ] (1603 words)
Thank you to Sapphire, Nijntje, JordansLady, nycki02, Yara, Jujube and everyone else who have been taking the time to read my story. The reviews are greatly appreciated and I hope I can keep you all interested!

6. Again? by Kyrie [ - ] (995 words)

7. Strange Request by Kyrie [ - ] (1366 words)

8. Nice To Meet You? by Kyrie [ - ] (1046 words)

9. Something's Not Right by Kyrie [ - ] (1004 words)

10. A Plan of Action by Kyrie [ - ] (1157 words)

11. The Set Up by Kyrie [ - ] (839 words)

12. Aftershocks by Kyrie [ - ] (1058 words)

13. I'm Not Leaving by Kyrie [ - ] (1225 words)
Thank you to everyone for reading and for leaving feedback! I know it takes time out of your day so I want you all to know how much I appreciate it!

14. This Is So Not Helpful by Kyrie [ - ] (1147 words)

15. Apologies by Kyrie [ - ] (1238 words)

16. You've Got To Be Kidding by Kyrie [ - ] (1055 words)

17. Give It Up Already by Kyrie [ - ] (898 words)

18. Revelation by Kyrie [ - ] (1249 words)

19. Practice What You Preach by Kyrie [ - ] (1354 words)

20. Time To Change by Kyrie [ - ] (1133 words)

21. The First Step by Kyrie [ - ] (1038 words)

22. Starting Over by Kyrie [ - ] (1261 words)

23. A Pleasant Surprise by Kyrie [ - ] (1661 words)

24. Not One Of My Talents by Kyrie [ - ] (1290 words)

25. Hard Decisions by Kyrie [ - ] (1068 words)
Sorry for the short chapter, I promise to make the next one longer!

26. A Favor by Kyrie [ - ] (1190 words)

27. Maybe? by Kyrie [ - ] (1413 words)

28. Digging For The Truth by Kyrie [ - ] (823 words)
I hope everyone is still enjoying the story and I apologize for the long delays with updating!

29. Surprise!?!? by Kyrie [ - ] (851 words)

30. Good Advice? by Kyrie [ - ] (928 words)

31. Change of Heart by Kyrie [ - ] (959 words)

32. A Good Morning by Kyrie [ - ] (1088 words)

33. A First Date by Kyrie [ - ] (885 words)
I'm so sorry for the delay in updating, I promise to work harder! LOL

34. Really? by Kyrie [ - ] (1047 words)

35. A Decision by Kyrie [ - ] (627 words)

36. An Unexpected Guest by Kyrie [ - ] (697 words)

37. What Is Going On? by Kyrie [ - ] (1084 words)

38. Jumping To Conclusions by Kyrie [ - ] (841 words)

39. Mixed Signals by Kyrie [ - ] (1396 words)

40. Not Enough by Kyrie [ - ] (1369 words)