User Profile

Alias: rockrgurlx [Contact]
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User Level: Member
Member since: 09/23/08
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Author Biography

What can I say? I have been a backstreet boy fan since I was 12 and am now 26, WoW!. Nick was my favorite from day 1 and I've always played around with fan fiction but never really did anything with it... until now. I know these are suppose to be fiction, but I like to make my writings sound as real as possible. I hope I can create stories that you guys can relate to and I'll try to keep them posted as quickly as I can. Happy reading!

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Stories by rockrgurlx

Nick and Renee, two successful celebrities, both in different genres, deal with the pressures of being parents while trying to keep their professional careers afloat. But, after 7 years of marriage, can they keep their passion alive amidst their busy schedules? Watch as their relationship takes a turn neither of them expect.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 25739
Read Count: 30248

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10/23/08 » Updated: 08/17/16